Realm News
Channel Points
Channel Points can now be used to purchase in-game items through the twitch app on the channel MineCraftStr8Fire.
The Dungeon Master Questline is now Complete!
Levels 1-6 are all completed, each has boss and custom mobs. The stronghold after the sculk dimension dungeon serves as a hub
for the dungeons. You can sell the mob heads and quest items there and teleport to checkpoints throughout the dungeon beyond
that point or simply return to town. Apon completing the Dungeon Master Questline you will be able to access a whole new area
that is only available to those who have completed the Final Quest by handing in the final boss's head to Heimdall.
Add-Ons Have Now Begun To Be Added To The Realm!
We took a poll on the discord and the decision was unanimous to put add-ons in the Realm. The Realm of The Mad King
is about to transform and transcend to new heights never thought possible! utilizing add-ons the rate at which the game
can be improved will ensure that in very little time all once difficult realm improvements will become realized with ease.
Dungeon Master Quests level 3-5 Have Now Been Added!
Now we only await the 6th and final dungeon. All dungeons will be upgraded overtime and polished ofcourse but even without that they are still complete up to the level 5 dungeon. Once you reach the stronghold after defeating the warden boss in the level 3 dungeon you can then fast travel back to it and any level after the level 4 dungeon to dungeon checkpoints by talking to Heimdall. In the stronghold you can sell the custom mob heads that drop from dungeon mobs and mob bosses.
Dungeon Master Quests Have Now Been Added! Level 1 and 2 Dungeons have been added at the world spawn by the elytra shop. The Zombie King and The Goblin King are bosses of level 1 and 2. The mobs on level 1 drop Point Tokens and the Mobs on level 2 drop Custom Mob Heads that can be collected to be handed in for quest rewards at a later date. The Bosses also drop Custom Boss Mob Heads which will yield a higher reward! in the future updates there will be 4 new Dungeons added (level 3-6) as well as NPCs to hand in the quest items for rewards. The new Dungeons will be a sculk dimension with a warden boss named World Eater. A new end dimension labyrinth with the ender dragon as the final boss. A new underworld Dimension with the wither boss named Cerberus as the final boss and a final level which will be an extension of the underworld dimension with a huge underworld castle riddled with custom boss mobs and a final boss to complete it before you receive the Dragon Egg which can be hatched to get a Dragon Mount!
You Can Now Earn Real Money By Mining Diamonds! Ask BramaYana in game, or on Discord or via email by leaving a comment at the bottom of this page for details. 10/25/2024
Brief Description
This highly polished Realm includes Unique mixtures of game modes and gameplay mechanics that work seamlessly in unison for the sole purpose of making Minecraft what it always should have been. This fantasy/medieval themed hybrid Survival/Adventure/R.P.G./Battle Arena Realm is like nothing you have ever seen before.
This Realm includes Unique mixtures of game modes and gameplay mechanics in the attempt to make Minecraft better without being game breaking but rather mere alternatives to the usual basic gameplay. These features include...Custom Mobs, Clans, Dungeons, Battle Arenas, P.V.E. Points, P.V.E. Point Shops and much more.
Survival Realm with unbreakable World spawn. This realm will always be open forever. Make it your home without worrying about ownership closing it down. Our Administration has been playing daily for over a year and we ban all the hackers. There is no admin abuse. even the owner plays in pure survival when not doing his admin duties.
Creator Comment:
I created a working Clan System by using command blocks that is fully functional and includes a Clan War System. Our Realm is high quality and entirely unique, what I have done in it with command blocks simply does not exist anywhere else. There is no tutorial on the internet where it can teach you to create what I have created because no one has done this before.
You're able to name your clan and add members without requiring admin assistance to do so. If you gain control of a clan war castle ownership transfers seamlessly to your clan and allows your clan to access the clan castle freely. The clan castle has cannons that you can aim and fire at would be raiders also it had reloadable automatic dragon fire cannons. Clan Mob Raids and Clan Professions are also included in the clan system.
-Survival Mode: You can use the portal or simply walk
in any direction from the unbreakable world spawn
area to reach Survival Mode.
-1vs1 and Battle Arena
-Dragon Mounts
-Upgraded Fishing
-Clan Wars
-Dungeon Bosses

Official Media Links
My Channel on Twitch is called MineCraftStr8Fire . You can join voice chat in discord and people will hear you when I'm livestreaming. If you subscribe you get a free max set and 200 diamonds a month for every month you are subbed! The armor and diamonds are from my own personal earnings in survival mode. I earned them legitimately, who I give them to is my choice. I give my hard earned items to whoever I want, I just so choose to give them to those who support the server by subbing.
Our Realm has an Official Discord Server. Click the button above to be granted access to our discord. Alternatively you can access The Realm Of The Mad King's Discord by clicking this link Discord
Server Rules
-No hacking.
-No advertising your own server/realm/world ect.
-No using derogatory terms and or hate speech including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia ect.
-No glitch exploiting
-No Spamming Chat
-No Harassment in Chat
-No Toxicity in Chat
-No Being Disrespectful in Chat
Feel Free to Comment Below With any Questions you may have.
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can you invite me my java and bedrock username is MrMilk430403